Archive | August, 2010

The Tale of How (2006) by The Blackheart Gang

31 Aug

The Blackheart Gang are a South African trio of artists. They are professionals earning their living making TV commercials, but in their free time they work on art projects of their own. Daily Psychedelic Video has already featured a Friskies commercial designed by the visual artists of the Gang.

The Vimeo channel has a making-of and many other impressive clips and commercials.

giant soap bubbles

30 Aug

Beautiful things that look like magic are sure to go nicely with whatever state of conciseness you’re at; and there is that “being inside a bubble” feeling you know; and all those double rainbows and morphing shape… Yep, giant soap bubbles are psychedelic.

Cornelius – Sensuous

29 Aug

And yet another beautiful Cornelius video. Not just supplementing the sound, the visuals add a voice of their own. Enjoy the harmony of your senses!

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

28 Aug

Quantum physics challenges our normal daily perception of the world. scientist Rob Bryanton has a mind blowing video blog that tries to visualize these concepts, along with commentary on conciseness, language, human history and so on . Every video this genius posts turns me onto a dozen different directions, and of course, several other videos. so make sure you have enough time (althogh it seems that the flow of time is just an illusion: our way of sensing of the fourth spatial dimension. apparently we all have A LOT of time) and dive into his wonderful mind expanding blog:

Flying Lotus – MmmHmm music video (taken from Cosmogramma)

27 Aug

Wow! What was that? I guess a proof that some clips can get you totally stoned. Far out!

Touch the music

26 Aug

The visual representaion of the sound and effects of the reactable is probably one of the coolest things I’ve seen since the touch screen revolution started.

Blue Moon Path // ULTIMAYA 2010 //

25 Aug

Please view in HD !

Something arises. See if it can arise without a witness.  It’s not happening to you… There is nothing you need to change. Stand on your own. Like phenomena come, so they go… Only don’t give any image to this witness.  Examine thoughts’ credentials. Pay attention to the watcher.  See if the seer itself has a shape…      (Mooji)

Superflow – Viusic Piece 06 – Architecture – Ian Clemmer

24 Aug

A beautiful 3D animation done by Ian Clemmer. This one is part of the Viusic series of 12 videos which Clemmer created for his bachelor thesis. Way to go Ian!

OK Go – WTF?

23 Aug

This is a one-shot video, that to my opinion makes the most of the trail effect. I recommend the really sweet making-of video, where they coin the oh-so-useful term “Psychediculous”

Blame it on The Boogie


22 Aug

Two things we won’t see exhausted soon: the couplings of psychedelic visuals and electronic music and the beauty emerging from the kaleidoscopic effect. Enjoy!