Tag Archives: dream machine

MGMT – It’s Working

19 Dec

What could it be?

I call it emboginationachine,  a machine that embodies imagination.

A really cool video clip.

Make Me Psychic

30 Apr

Cute piece of animation from the 1970’s, by Sally Cruikshank, with music by Robt. Armstrong and Allan Dodge.

Broadcast- Papercuts

22 Jan

I used to love this band so much! long stoned afternoons of a Jerusalem summer listening to Broadcast, but that hadn’t happened for a couple of years now. Sadly, I started looking for their videos only this week, when I heard about the untimely death of Trish Keenan, their lead singer.  The hypnotic object spinning in this video is a dream machine, that 7eit posted about here. So beautiful.



Dream Machine

3 Oct

This is a video of the Dream Machine Brion Gysin and Ian Summerville invented and build after reading William Grey Walter‘s book, The Living Brain. It is a nice diy approach to making mechanical interfaces for psychedelic experiences and experiments widely available.

I hope to write a whole post on mechanical interfaces for conciousness manipulation (compared to chemical interfaces like psychoactive substances) soon.

You can find a java based online version of the dream machine here.