Archive | August, 2014

“Sleep Paralysist” by Neon Indian

31 Aug


30 Aug


IRMA/Save Me

28 Aug

The future is definitely in integrating visual effects into live performances!


The sound of flames

27 Aug

Livin In The Sunlight, Lovin In The Moonlight

26 Aug

Directed and Animated by The Layzell Brothers. Great mix of styles, a lot of the Yellow Submarine vibe obviously!

Tribute to Dj Cheb I Sabbah Psychedelic Masala

25 Aug


“Kira Kira Killer” by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

24 Aug

Kira Kira Killer is the latest entry in the history of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu madness. For further examples of their art look here and here dpv.

The Golden Grass: One More Time (Official video)

23 Aug

Some goold old psychedelic rockin.

Boom Festival 2014

22 Aug

Two weeks ago I was in the Boom Festival 2014 in Portugal. I thought a lot about what i’m going to write in regards to psychedelic experiences in the Boom Festival.

I’ll start by saying that the festival was really great, it seemed to me as though all of the artwork, music and everything else in the festival were made to grant you the best psychedelic experience possible.

This years theme was the feminine and this theme was played throughout the festival.

The Music Stages: the main course in any festival is the music, but for me what was even more amazing were the dance floors themselves. each stage (or dance temple) had a very unique design that was immanent throughout that stage.
The Main Dance Temple – the entrance was a huge head of a woman with amazingly beautiful VJ being played on her head. inside were huge colourful statues of animals that were lit up with an artwork of lighting design.

Both of the other main stages were also a sight to be seen but description is not enough (see the videos below).

The Artwork: the festival featured many pieces of art scattered across the huge area. The main things i want to mention are the following:

a. The psychedelic art museum featured many pieces of psychedelic painting printed in very high quality when viewed with 3d glasses. Amazingly it really came out of the frame and took form. The entire museum was built in the shape of a dragon.

b. Live statue Garden – in the edge of the chillout gardens there was a beautiful garden with amazing pieces of art: moving, breathing and filled with lights. Some of them had a darker look and feel a bit similar to works by H.R Giger, while others had a more divine feel to them. In any case seeing them while on psychedelics left me in awe to their beauty.

A lot of the talk in boom regards culture – mainly festival culture after the festival. The festival featured many lectures on the subjects of communities. But also the culture of psychedelics and their research. On the second day i saw the movie: Aya: Awakenings witch was a great experience in the festival ground – this movie is recommended (watch here)

For me the festival represents more than just a week of fun, music and drugs. For me this is an emerging culture trying to define itself through music (and yes drugs). I see the festival as a transformation hub that you get in on one hand and come out different on the other hand – never to be the same.

For people that haven’t had the chance to be I recommend coming in 2016 (it’s every two years)

Here is a few clips from the festival:

Digital Life-Forms Responding to Archival Birdsongs

20 Aug

Australian artist Andy Thomas specializes in creating ‘audio life forms’: beautiful abstract shapes that react to sounds. In this animated short, he visualizes two recorded bird sounds from the archives of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision [] in Hilversum.

An increasing amount of sounds and images from European archives, museums and libraries are available for creative re-use. For the Europeana Creative Challenge, we’re looking for innovative projects that use archival material available via Europeana ( in a creative way. Send in your own idea to create, for example, a mash-up, an app or a game at ecreativechallenges2014.istart…. The winner will be aided by specialized professionals in realizing their project.