Archive | September, 2010

Alifib- Trip trip Pip pippy pippy pip pip

30 Sep

In almost every powerful trip, there is a moment when the language collapses. Words turn into sounds, sounds turn into colors, textures, and wordless thoughts. When we leave our language behind, we leave ours sense of “self” behind. It’s a beautiful moment of true joy, of unity with the world, of love. Robert Wyatt has a great talent to describe psychedelic situations in a very delicate way. Lately I find it hard to connect with the ultra colorful descriptions and manifestations of the psychedelic state. That colorful visualization or description is true in some way, but it reduces the essence of the psychedelic state-serenity.

In this song, Wyatt documents that moment when language collapses, or as he describes it here: Trip trip Pip pippy pippy pip pip.

PHA-DROID @ source

29 Sep

Light painting by android jones and phong !

Lebensader (2009)

28 Sep

A little girl finds the whole world inside a leaf in this animation by Angela Steffen, who also worked on Love & Theft.
Official website.

Friends With You

27 Sep

Friends With You is a collaboration between two artists, Sam Borkson and Arturo Sandoval. They do everything from playgrounds to gallery shows, from a giant balloons parade to a hard cover book. all is meant to bring magic, luck and friendship!

Peter Parks macro photography loop

27 Sep

Peter Parks was behind the spectacular visual effects of Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain. A Wired article gives more details about the effects work.
Son Chris has followed in his father’s footsteps and together they run a company called Image Quest 3D. More examples in the links and in this showreel by Chris:

Lan Dan Deeee!

25 Sep

I came across a whole series of videos from japan, made from a 10 seconds footage of Roland McDonald shouting something in Japanese, That are applied over and over again with different video effects. It’s unexplainable, twisted and repetitive, like some experiences from drugs I don’t really want to do again.  Roland McDonald is a disturbing figure to start with, the ecstatic smiley that represents the corporate giant playing with our mind. The Japanese videos in this post, and many others linked to them, are taking to extreme the overwhelming commercial trip that is the urban and the virtual world around us.

Form Vs. Content

23 Sep

On this site we explore the aesthetics of psychedlic, trying to answer the question “what is psychedelic aesthetic?” Recently while i was looking at some videos that I intend to publish on the DPV i realized that we might be doing something wrong.  WE gave in to the seperation between form and content which is the exact opposite message from the psychedelic message. Psychedelics liquefy the boundaries between form and content. During the psychedlic experience what you see is often how and what you feel. Abstract figures turn into emotions and thought. In a way the psychedelic experience is one of the greatest supports to the thought that the medium is the message.

This video of Allan Watts might not be considered psychedlic visualy by some, but my opinionis is that  it’s  visual part is just as psychedelic as the content part. In fact it’s hard for me to seperate the content from the form on this one. The way the nature is filmed, the way that Watts himself is filmed has a psychedelic notion to it. Many times we tend to define fluorescent colors and fractalic shapes  as the essence of the psychedelic visualisation, but by that we dismiss the psychedlic visualisation of harmonic nature. Nature that seems to sing in harmony, every leaf in place, every ant in a harmonic order. I think this video captures this side of the psychedelic aesthetics, not only in content but also in form.

CapeNape & The Foundation – Countless Ways

21 Sep

Directed by Tero Suomela, this won the 2010 Spring New York International Independent Film and Video Festival award for the best music video.

Jill Bolte Taylor’s stroke of insight

20 Sep

How many brain scientists had had the chance of studying a brain stroke from the inside out? Jill Bolt talked on TED about her own stroke, with remarkable openness. What she described may remind a psychedelic trip, so her fluent explanation about the mechanism behind that might shed some light on your own experiences; but the real light comes at the end of this beautiful, funny and touching clip…

thank you Matan L. for that link!