Archive | April, 2017

Sausage Party (2016) Bath Salts Scene

29 Apr


“Bath salts are just as bad as they say,” if you take you might be able to “actually understand” sausages…

Compare with:

Deeply Artificial Trees-artBoffin

28 Apr

From the Vimeo description: This artwork represents what it would be like for an AI to watch Bob Ross on LSD (once someone invents digital drugs). It shows some of the unreasonable effectiveness and strange inner workings of deep learning systems. The unique characteristics of the human voice are learned and generated as well as hallucinations of a system trying to find images which are not there


27 Apr


By: Saiman Chow

Tim Hawkins – The Archeologist

26 Apr

In the far-flung future a shaman discovers the remains of our long forgotten internet in which billions of lonely and deformed digital souls are trapped and enslaved by an all powerful cat-god.

Rachel Maclean – Again and again and again

25 Apr

Rachel Maclean plays all the characters in this data junkie dystopia.

A Boy Who Can’t Express His Emotions Shows Us Why Being Different Is Beutifal

24 Apr

Another animated video from Omeleto for those that need a little big more convincing. This time being a video short about a kid who cannot express his emotions properly and in turn is misunderstood by many but comes to accept and embrace the very thing that makes him unique.

A beautiful and simple message all hidden within a stunning visual masterpiece.

“Magic Doors” by Portshead

23 Apr

Kendrick Lamar | Swimming Pools (Drank) | Rick and Morty Mashup

22 Apr

Rick and Morty meet Kendrick Lamar in this awesome mashup.

“Paloma Blanca”- Georgie Dann

21 Apr

Extrapolate from johan rijpma

20 Apr

By: johan rijpma