Archive | June, 2012

Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy Series

30 Jun

The Noel Fielding Luxury Comedy Series  described on the Channel 4 website as “a psychedelic character based comedy show half filmed and half animated” is probably the best psychedelic comedy act to ever been screened on TV.

Give it a chance. You won’t be sorry 😉

(Link: Shanikoo. Thanks!)

Spirit Catepetl – Hiatus Thickets

29 Jun

Sometimes a trip feels like this looks. Somewhere between awe, looming terror, and plain confusion.


28 Jun


Have a flowery weekend

The Incredible Shadoks

27 Jun

The Shadoks are kind of outer-space bird-like creatures designed and created by the French experimental animator Jacques Rouxel in the late sixties, in the spirit of newspapers comic strips like “Peanuts”. The Shadoks divided the French nation as much as the political debate about the future of democracy.
The Shadoks live on the shadok planet where everything is going wrong, and their efforts to escape to Earth are constantly foiled by rivals from another planet.
shadok cover These silly creatures with their own brand of logic first appeared on TV in 1968 and quickly became a cult. Their main mission was educative: criticism of the French society with absurd humor. The animated cartoon, revoiced by Kenneth Robinson (who replaced the French comedian Claude Piéplu), intrigued many a British child! Actually, the Shadoks used rules like:
* The more you fail, the more you have a chance that it will work in the end.
* Better to pump even if nothing happens than to risk something worse happening by not pumping.
* If you have 999 chances in 1000 that the thing will fail, so hurry to do the 999 first tests, because the 1000th will probably be the right one.
* Why do simple when one can do complicated?
* In order for there to be the fewest discontent, one only has to always hit on the same ones…
* If there is no solution, it’s because there is no problem.

Spids Nøgenhat concert visuals

26 Jun

Spids Nøgenhat is Danish for the Liberty cap mushroom, which features prominently in the visuals.

Bonobo – ‘Eyesdown’ (Machinedrum Remix)

25 Jun

Another awesome animation from Anthony Schepperd.

(Link: Nigel Kent. Thanks!)

“Get Some” by Lykke Li

24 Jun

Lykke Li and Johan Söderberg are not afraid of old stereotypes. They just pick them up and use them as stone tablets to write in their new laws. When this  Scandinavian heathen valkyrie adorns herself with typical male sexual metaphors, those metaphors start to smell like shrunken heads and gleam like hunting trophies. So we better be careful what we call her since she is going to use it against us in her satanic dissemination rituals. In her voodoo, a word we might have dropped carelessly can be applied instead of a lost hair. In the center of the kaleidoscope she is dancing to the beat of the tribal drums while pulses of light move in on us from the “heart of darkness”. Her ink-stained fingers make clear: she is the one in charge of the Rorschach test.

Psychedelic Sesame Street Numbers

23 Jun

Sesame Street Numbers go psychedelic once again

Drawing Down The Moon

22 Jun

Sergei Parajanov’s beautiful The Color of Pomegranates (1968) makes a perfect pair with Young Magic’s song Drawing Down the Moon.

Pacific Vibrations

20 Jun

Easily one of the all time classics of surf films. Made by film maker, artist and Surfer Magazine founder John Severson. A Classic!