Archive | August, 2015

The Jumblies – Camellia Nieh

31 Aug

The last elections day in Israel didn’t bring a lot of positive change on the political level, but in Mitzpe Ramon some good people got together  during that day to hang out outside to play music and practice their AcroYoga and slacklining skills, among other things. Camellia Nieh was there to shoot the occasions of the day, later editing them into this magnificent and really fun video, which I find very psychedelic.

And here is what Camellia had to say about the whole thing:

“I started making videos this year as a way of distilling my world, external and internal, for myself and for others, to record certain feelings, ideas, or experiences that were beautiful or interesting to me and to share them. They serve as a journal, sketchbook, and as letters to people I care about. This video was created from an afternoon of hanging out with friends in a small town in the Negev Desert on the day of Israel’s recent elections, exploring movement, music, balance, improvisation, and connection. I didn’t set out to make a psychedelic video, but apparently that’s how my world translates to others sometimes…”

“Apocalipsi” by Jansky

30 Aug

subdued use of psychedelic visual tropes to great effect

Gimme Pizza

29 Aug

Sometimes, when checking our archives to determine whether a video has already been featured on the Daily Psychedelic Video, I end up a little alarmed to find that I’ve stumbled across certain videos all on my own. I can’t imagine what led me to this particular find, but I feel quite certain that it belongs here.

The Infinite- Joseph Yeh

29 Aug

“The Infinite” is a beautifully executed animated film exploring the birth of the universe. Made with assistance from the Alfred P. Sloane Foundation for science  in film, this was Joseph Yeh’s graduation thesis fron the University of Southern California’s animation program.

The Quincey – Make It Right

29 Aug


Drive through LA in a psychedelic Cadillac in this music video for psych-rockers The Quincy. Visual artist Vinyl Williams has made this interactive world you can explore yourself… Download for OSX at 500mb.

Don’t hug me I’m scared, Episodes 3 & 4

28 Aug

Don’t hug me I’m scared started out like a fresh and updated version of classic psychedelic TV puppet shows like HR Pufnstuf and The Bugaloos. It was fun, upbeat, and had great and really funny and catchy songs.

However, as the series progressed it became more and more evident that there is a very negative undertone underlying the whole thing. There’s no one better then Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling, the creators of Don’t Hug me I’m Scared, in creating funny and brilliant psychedelic lyrics and visuals, combining it all with a catchy tune. However, for some reason, in the makers view, this colorful scheme must always be a disguise to something horrid which lurks in the background. Take episode 3 for example. It contains an amazing cheery and silly song about how wonderful love is, only in order to finish with some of the worst bad trip images that come to demonstrate that love is a lie. In episode 4 the whole episode becomes a even nightmare earlier on.

The popular internet show “YouTube Explained” has episodes analyzing on each of the DHMIS videos. They explain that the show is basically a critique of children’s TV shows, and additionally the 3rd episode is a critique on marriage and religion, while the 4th one is a critique on the internet age. That very well may be, but these videos still end up giving me the creeps. Don’t get me wrong, I still love don’t hug me I’m scared, but I for one do not think that behind everything beautiful in the world there is something evil and terrible. I can only hope the makers of DHMIS will ingest a psychedelic and come to this conclusion as well…


27 Aug

By: Mustardcuffins

250.000.000 particles animated Mandelbulb

26 Aug

Render with Arnold 4.0

Betty Boop: Silly Scandals (1931)

25 Aug

The hypnosis scene at the end is particularly trippy.


24 Aug

YouTube channel Desiremarket has a delectable collection of surrealist videos which can probably only be enjoyed while high.